Category Archives: Cat Grooming

Cat Grooming

Dry Bath

A dry bath uses a rub on, comb out grooming foam, that produces a velvety soft coat, beautifully scented and shiny. By gently cleaning away dirt and dander, it reduces shedding and can help remedy cat allergies in humans.

Specific breeds such as British Shorthair, Siamese and Devon Rex would particularly benefit from this approach as they should be wet bathed sparingly and dried naturally.

Ears and Eyes Clean

Routine ear cleaning will helps prevent painful infections caused by bacteria and parasite infestations.

Breeds such as Persians and Himalayans are prone to tear staining and require regular eye cleaning to prevent coat discolouration, skin irritations and potential infections.

Face Trim

This treatment is recommended for breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and Exotics which have a tendency to overgrown facial hair. Eyelashes, the forehead and tips of the ears are trimmed, while cheek hair is gently plucked.

Grooming Styles

A range of grooming options are available to match your pet’s needs.